Monday, May 23, 2011

Picture of the Babies...

This picture is a week and a half old.  It was the first ultrasound picture that we received, where they actually look like babies.  They were measuring 13 weeks when this picture was taken.  We don't expect another ultrasound for two weeks. 

Most of our immediate family members have now been told about TO and TT (our current names for the twins).  Everyone has been very excited about the new arrivals!  We plan to share the news with everyone else after my brother's wedding in two weeks.  As for work, I am not telling them until after the fourth of July.  We will be at 20 weeks then.

We also made the first purchases...we waited until 12 weeks and bought a couple of small, unnecessary, cute items just because we can.   I have been researching baby items and I have started my excel spreadsheets but for the next couple of months we only plan to buy items that we find on super sale.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

First Post

I have been following surrogacy blogs for a couple of years.  I rarely comment, however following the stories of many who have started their families in India gave me the courage to begin our own journey. 

We are currently 10.5 weeks pregnant with twins!  I hope to keep this blog updated to help other couples who are considering how to grow their families and to eventually (once we tell them) keep our babies' grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends updated with pictures and stories of the little ones.