Tuesday, October 16, 2012

11 months and 1 week later...

these two little munchkins decided to slept through the night. 

R&B - Thank you for finally coordinating your schedules and letting us get some much needed sleep! Now, please keep to last nights schedule. And, Rooney, we wouldn't mind if you slept in your crib instead of our bed either.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

11 Months

Our little busy bees are 11 months today!  Can you believe it?  We sure can't!

I remember 10 months ago taking the first monthly picture.  My biggest challenge was getting them to open their eyes.  At 11 months our biggest challenge is getting them to sit still. 

Rooney trying to get away
Brady...and his new favorite activity...climbing.
Tired after a long photo shoot

They are constant motion and now almost constant talking.  Lee and I get very worried when the two of them are talking to each other in their special language, usually with tons of animation, and then they both turn to us and laugh.   It's as if they look at us and say, "Those two don't have a clue how much fun we are going to have when they aren't looking"!

This month Brady cut four top teeth!  We figured out he has a sensitivity to soy and now that the top teeth have made their entrance and soy has been cut from his diet, we are finally getting some sleep around here.  He still gets us up one to two times a night, but at least they are for a bottle and back to sleep or a quick cuddle and he settles down.  None of that hour after hour of him crying through the night stuff.   He has mastered the walk and now rarely crawls.  And much to my dislike, he is now climbing on our chairs and trying to jump off our furniture.   Just this week he finally started babbling.  We love hearing his little voice!    Brady has the longest arms of any baby I have ever seen and gives the absolute best hugs with them strongly wrapped around my neck.  He continues to be long and lean, despite eating anything and everything.  His palate is more diverse than most adults I know.  He is in the 75th percentile for height at 30 inches and only 10th percentile for weight at 18 lbs 9 oz.

Rooney, sweet Rooney has finally decided that the word NO doesn't apply to her.  She is happy to tell her brother or anyone else NO, but if you say it to her she just laughs and does whatever she wants anyway.  Her smile lights up every room and she knows how to use it to get exactly what she wants.  She continues to be my little shadow and I am certainly not complaining.  Rooney is very particular and deliberate in everything she does.  She does not like a mess and we can even let her eat sans bib because not a drop of food goes anywhere except in her mouth.  Despite not having any teeth, or signs of teeth, she eats everything and chews/mashes her food like an expert.  She never puts new food in her mouth until her mouth is empty and refuses to mix food.  Like her brother, she eats everything!   She is still only in the 10th percentile for weight at 17 lbs 1 oz and 75th percentile for height at 30 inches.

This month we went on another plane trip to attend my dear friend Emily's wedding in Michigan.  R&B are amazing to travel with!   They love the airport and plane and seem to thrive on the whole trip.  We have the travel thing done pretty much to a science and actually don't find it to be to much more difficult than travelling solo...OK, maybe that is because I forgot what it was like to travel solo.  But seriously,  the four of us have slept through 8 of the 9 flights we have been on together.

And now for the month in pictures...

R&B with the newlyweds

Roo loving her time with Grandma

Apples are YUMMY

Checkout her awesome curly hair

Teasing her brother...

Ready for another apple

This is classic, Brady trying to get away and Rooney yelling for us to pay attention.